6 Ways You Can Find Your Birth Parents

There are so many ways you can find your birth parents with today’s technology. As an adoptee who searched for over 15 years for my birth family, I can tell you I first started off by praying over it–making sure it was God’s will what I was doing. I’m a firm believer of that. Also, if it weren’t for my mom and sister (she is also adopted), I may not have started looking.

  1. Facebook

I started my search using Facebook, which took me to places I never expected. I was fortunate enough to make it on the local news. They shared my quest to find my family. This may not happen for everyone, but it’s worth a shot.

You can take a picture of yourself holding a poster with your information on it, your birth name, date of birth and any other information you have, and post it on Facebook. Then ask people to share it. Trust me, it will get around and maybe just maybe someone from your birth family will see it and contact you. You may even want to make a video or blog about your journey!

  1. Family Services

You can also go through the DHR in the state in which you were born in. You can write to them with your information and also call them. They will then contact you if they find any information out for you. This process may take six months to hear back from them, so be patient!

  1. Your Birth Hospital

Also if you know the hospital which you were born in, contact them, and ask questions. You may be able to see about getting your original birth certificate. It doesn’t hurt to ask!!

  1. Registries to Help You Find Your Birth Parents

Register in all the adoption registers available online. Get your information out there on the adoption sites because the more you get your information out there the better luck you will have. You can start with the largest registry, Reunion Registry, and even reach out on the largest adoption community.

  1. Private Investigators

You may also want to look into private investigators you can hire to help you in your search. Do research on them before you hire one, though. There are some private investigators that are not very good. You can also learn more about adoption search angels.

  1. Check Your State Laws

Also check in your state where you were born and see if original birth certificates are closed or open now. Some states are open now and if that’s the case, you should be able to get your hands on your adoption papers. There papers may tell you your birth mom’s name and other information to help you in your search. The state in which I was born is still closed, but that’s okay. I learned so much during my journey that I wouldn’t take back.

BONUS: Have you thought about DNA testing? Many adoptees have found family members through at-home DNA testing.

Most importantly you need a support team behind you pushing you along, giving you ideas along the way that maybe you haven’t thought about. You have to remember one thing in all this: you can’t give up on the journey you’re fixing to head down. It may not happen overnight, it may take a while, but it’s okay. Keep an open heart in it.

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